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Ya know, I know I’m doing some really interesting things creatively with the video art and writing I’ve been doing. I can sincerely feel it. It may not win me a ton of awards or loads of recognition, but that’s okay. At least I’ve striving to do something interesting, personal, and original, which is more than I can say about some “artists”. Yet I have to make everyone else know, see, and experience what I’m seeing and feeling. That is the trick of being an artist. I have to prove myself. I have to do it. I have to stay motivated, focused, and inspired. The fun/ agonizing part of this is that I’m still a mostly completely anonymous, obscure artist that few actually respect or acknowledge my work as being “good” let alone “great” or “brilliant”. I’ve still got a very long way to climb. Still, that artist angst is also what will fuel me forward and give me the motivation to keep working. In a way, it’s actually highly beneficial to not win any significant awards! It also takes a certain extreme degree of headstrong mindset mixed with extraordinary stupidity and arrogance to be an artist for a lifetime. It just so happens that these qualities are also something I am “brilliant” at being. I also am extremely knowledgeable of so many artists, filmmakers, and musicians. Yet in order to be a better creative artist, I have to acutely narrow my focus on just a few rather than literally thousands. I’ve got to CLING ONTO THAT INSPIRATION AND NOT LET GO. That’s the trick of being a successful artist.