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I’m finally getting to fine-tune edit, color correct, and color grade the June and September 2014 American Southwest video footage I shot. The work is really coming alive now. Today I worked on The Wave video imagery. It’s thrilling to see the before and after color grading to this video specifically. It transforms what I shot into something more while making it more my own personal vision. I find this part of the creative process to be the most “painterly” of the work I’m doing. I think this is my favorite stage in the production process because things really seem to come together. It’s about turning “good” footage into something magical, unique, and hopefully special. I also adore being able to listen to hours upon hours of music while I work. Mood music is key to keep me “in the zone” in the right creative mindset. (Thanks, Sinead O’ Connor, David Bowie, and Peter Gabriel!)