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2-4-18: As part of my Visual Literacy II class, I wrote up a PDF document to share with the students on my course page about what to check for when trying to master their presentation when putting together their InDesign project progression document. One of the biggest areas I pressed them on was spelling and grammar. I showed the document to the students while critiquing their work over and over again when I found misspellings and horrible grammar mistakes. I consider myself a sort of “grammar Nazi”. Yet as I re-looked over my PDF document about presentation master, I realized to my absolute horror that I had made one of the worst mistakes in my academic career: I had misspelled grammar as “grammer”. I corrected the document immediately in between my critiques and quickly uploaded the corrected document to their online course page. Yet I wasn’t above showing off my mistake to my class as a “humbling, teachable moment”. “See, even the teacher can make mistakes! Even I forget to run spell-check!” No one is perfect was the true lesson of the day. And what I learned most was that I will never forget how to spell grammar correctly ever again.